- The EALA Committee on Regional Affairs concluded the Public Hearing Workshop on the deteriorating Human Rights and humanitarian situation in Burundi on January 25th, 2016.
- The Committee listened to contributions from the delegation of Government of Burundi and other representatives. The interventions were made by the following in chronological order:
a) Mr. Jacques Bigirimana - FNL Party, Burundi
b) Mr. Jean de Dien Mutabazi - Chairperson of RADEBU Party
c) Mrs. Concilie Nibigira Leader of the UPRONA Party
d) Hon. Augustin Nzojibwami President du SAGWE-PADER Party,
e) Sen. Joseph Ntakirutimana Senator, CNDD-FDD Party
f) Mr. Jean Marie Nduwimana President, Civil Society
g) Mr. Gilbert-Becaud Njangwa President of ONELOP-BDI
h) Mr. Francois Xavier Ndaruzaniye President and Legal Representative, Izere Ntiwihebure Human Rights League
i) Hon. Leontine Nzeyimana Minister for EAC Affairs, Burundi.
- The Committee on Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution then sought clarifications and interventions from the presenters.
- It will be recalled that the Committee held the first Public Hearing Workshop on January 14th,-15th, 2016 in order to establish the facts contained in a petition submitted to the EALA Speaker in November 2015 by the Pan-African Lawyers Union (PALU) – principal petitioner and the East Africa Civil Society Organisations’ Forum (EACSOF), Atrocities Watch Africa, Centre for Citizens’ Participation on the African Union, East Africa Law Society (EALS) and the Kituo Cha Katiba (KcK) on the subject matter.
- On Day 1, The Public Hearing Workshop orally received the petition from the six petitioners. The presentation was made on behalf of the petitioners by the CEO of PALU, Mr. Don Deya.
- On Day 2, the Workshop listened to the contributions from other invited stakeholders comprising of the representatives of Civil Society Organisation from Burundi and the opposition parties in Burundi.
- The Committee shall now finalise the report and make recommendations to the Assembly on the issues obtaining at this Plenary Sitting which commenced on January 24th, 2016 and runs through to February 5th, 2016. Upon debate and approval by the House, the Report is expected to be forwarded to the EAC Council of Ministers for further action.
- The Committee thanks the delegation of the Government, Political Parties and Civil Society Organisations for making their contributions on the matter.
- The Committee further thanks the Petitioners and all Stakeholders.
Hakuna maoni :
Chapisha Maoni